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Unlock the full potential of Web Maker with the PRO subscription! Here's what you get:

Unlimited Public Creations #

The PRO subscription gives you unlimited public creations, allowing you to share your creation through a public link. Otherwise limited to just one public creation in free plan.

Unlimited Files Mode Creations #

You get unlimited File mode creations. Otherwise limited to 2 in free plan.

Asset Hosting #

No more stressing to host your assets on other hosting services. With PRO, you can host all your assets directly inside Web Maker, ensuring faster development.

Asset hosting supports upto 1 MB per file and a total of 5 GB of assets per account.

Priority Support #

With PRO, I'll be there to assist you with any issues or questions regarding Web Maker, ensuring you get the help you need, faster.

No Ads #

Enjoy an uninterrupted experience. The PRO subscription removes all ads from the platform, allowing you to focus solely on your work.

How to Upgrade to PRO #

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click on Get PRO in the footer.
  3. Complete the checkout process. Web Maker allows monthly, annual and one-time lifetime subscription.

Note: If you are using the extension, the above steps will prompt you to go to the web app and complete the checkout process there. Once you have purchased the PRO plan on the web app, come back to the extension and refresh to enjoy the PRO features.

For any further questions or support, join our discord server.

Table of contents

Web Maker needs the following permissions to work with full capabilities. In words of Chrome extensions:

Read & change all your data on the websites that you visit - Worry not. This is just required for the new tab replacement feature where Web Maker shows up only if the new tab url is chrome://newtab/. Nothing is read, stored or changed.


Web Maker does not track any user specific data. It uses Google Analytics to track aggregated events to improve user experience based on what features are used more. If still you want to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking, please visit or you can set up a filter in Adblock Plus or similar ad blocker tools like AdBlock, uBlock or Adblock Pro.
